Monday, August 6, 2012

You Know Me

I thought I would find time to sit down monthly and write, and yet here it is August and I haven't signed in since March. Oh how naive I was prior to becoming a parent :) Life literally flies by! If the calendar wasn't a constant reminder, my ever changing son certainly is.

In looking back over these last months and thinking, what have I been doing??, everything is pretty much a blur, except for the moments that make you stop and smile. I am still trying to get the hang of this whole full time working mom thing. (Let's be honest, I'm still trying to get the hang of just being a mom!). How did moms do this before smart phones?? If I couldn't look at my google calendar constantly all day, I'm not sure I could tell you where I was supposed to be in the next 5 minutes. Perhaps I have become way to dependent on technology....but that is a topic for another day.

Chris was gone for a week at the beginning of July. It was first trial run by myself, and I must say, all things considered, I did pretty well!
I was up at 4:30 or 5 every morning with Mason, 
work all day, 
pick Mason up, 
feed him dinner, 
clean the kitchen,
give him a bath, 
pack him for the next day, 
rock him to sleep, 
then get myself ready for the next day, 
and finally to bed. 
Repeat x 7. 
It honestly wasn't bad though, Mason is such an easy baby, it's very enjoyable to just hang out with him in the evenings. One night I crawled into bed, and I texted Chris to see what he was up to. He said they were at a club and he was enjoying a drink on the patio. That part of the text is not interesting, the reason I remember this is because he had said, "I tried dancing for a bit, but you know me".

And he was right, I do know him, and I could totally picture how uncomfortable he was dancing at a club. I remember smiling to myself thinking about my husband and falling asleep very content. That's why we do it, the constant juggle, for the deep connections we find with people.

I have a very full schedule, but there is nothing I would cut out, well besides work if it was an option! I have noticed everything sacrifices a little. I don't get to put in the long hours at work and be the team player all the time. I don't get to see my friends NEARLY enough! I'm not ever prepared for family birthdays or events, I often have to send a gift late, or not at all (sorry!). I am terrible about sending thank you cards. Mason often has a face full of dog hair because I haven't vacuumed in awhile. But I always try to find a way to see the people I am close to. Because I know that if I choose to stay home one night, even if I am exhausted, I will regret not taking the time to say hello to the people who matter the most.

I love the, "you know me" stories. The stories you connect with because you do know that person, and even though you can't always be there to experience everything important with them, you can imagine everything that happened and still feel like you were a part of it. You imagine the look they had on their face when they were disgusted with someone but couldn't say it out loud, how uncomfortable when they were with that really awkward question, or how they pretended to enjoy dancing even though they hated every second :)

So here's my official apology to my friends that I don't get to see often...because you know me, even though I can't come around often, I always want to know what's going on. I'm looking forward to the next time I can relive those stories with you! (and create some new ones!!)

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